دانلود Nero BackItUp 2021 v23.0.1.19 – نرم افزار پشتیبان گیری نرو
اگر اطلاعات شخصی شما از جمله عکس های به یاد ماندنی خانوادگی، اسناد مالی
مهم، فایل های موسیقی و … از بین برود، غیر قابل جایگزینی خواهند بود! نرم افزار Nero BackItUp 2020 به این منظور که شما بتوانید کنترل کاملی در زمینه حفاظت از اطلاعات خود
داشته باشید، طراحی شده است. این نرم افزار ابزارهایی با کاربرد آسان و
تکنولوژی مطمئن را برای شما فراهم نموده است تا قادر باشید از فایل ها مهم
خود برای هارد درایو و یا ذخیره سازی های آنلاین (online storage) یک
پشتیبان تهیه کنید. Nero BackItUp قابلیت تنظیم برای اجرای پشتیبان گیری
خودکار و آگاه سازی شما از طریق دریافت ایمیل را نیز دارد.
قابلیت های کلیدی نرم افزار Nero BackItUp 2020: – پشتیبان گیری مطمئن از موزیک ها، ویدیو ها، تصاویر و فایل های دیتا – امکان رایت فایل بکاپ – رایت دیسک با امنیت فوق العاده – رایت Blu – ray و ذخیره اطلاعات بیشتر – بازی ابی سریع و راحت اطلاعات ارزشمند – بازگردانی فایل ها بعد از ویروسی شدن یا خرابی سیستم – صرفه جویی در هزینه و زمان برای بازیابی اطلاعات – امکان اجرای پشتیبان گیری خودکار – و …
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The Nero BackItUp application was developed to give you full control over the protection of your data. Your personal data, including memorable family photos, important financial documents, and music collections, is irreplaceable. Nero BackItUp provides easy-to-use tools and state-of-the-art technology that let you back up files to your hard drive or to online storage. Schedule automatic backups, and receive e-mail notification once they’re done.
Here are some key features of “Nero BackItUp”: Back up all your music, videos, photos, and data with flexibility: – Do you have a great MP3 collection? Got tons of family photos and videos saved on your hard drive? For all the time, effort, and memories you have invested on your hard drive, you wouldn’t want to lose your files to a virus or system crash, or accident. Nero BackItUp & Burn lets you back up files to an internal or external hard drive or to online storage with flexible options that suit you best. Receive e-mail notification when backup jobs are completed, and rest assured your digital investments are safe with Nero BackItUp & Burn. Let Nero BackItUp & Burn do it for you: – Working on a special project or paper? Protect your work with Nero BackItUp & Burn. Viruses and system crashes can happen at the most inopportune times against a project deadline. Nero BackItUp & Burn with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface lets you schedule backups to happen automatically without interrupting your work, so your latest files are always at hand, even if the unthinkable happens. Burn to disc for extra security: – Want to ensure extra protection for your files by burning them to disc? Nero BackItUp & Burn lets you burn files with the world’s most reliable burning application so you’re off and running in no time! Got a cool MP3 mix to take on the road? Burn your favorite files to all types of popular discs including CD, DVD, and Blu-ray Disc. Burn with Blu-ray and save ever more data: – Do you burn data to disc for safe keeping? Save even more data on Blu-ray Discs! Now you can back up even larger volumes of data on a single disc with Nero BackItUp & Burn as well as all your photo and video data files Recover precious content quickly and easily: – Have you taken the trip of a lifetime where you saw all the sights, enjoyed the local culture, and loved every minute of it? What if you had deleted all the memorable photos from your memory card only to find out you hadn’t backed them up on your PC beforehand? Nero BackItUp & Burn lets you recover deleted data quickly and efficiently with the best possible results. Enjoy favorite songs once again: – Do you have a special collection of favorite mp3s on CD? Are you still able to listen to them, or are they scratched from years of enjoyment? Now you can recover songs easily and conveniently with Nero BackItUp & Burn! Restore your files after a crash or virus: – You bought a new PC or a laptop that’s been working just fine for the past couple of years. But suddenly, the worst has happened? A virus! A system or hard drive crash! Now everything you’ve worked on and saved for the last two years is gone. Nero BackItUp & Burn lets you easily restore backed up files to your PC, or laptop in case of a sudden emergency, so you’ll be back to work quickly. Save money by restoring with Nero BackItUp & Burn: – Are you considering expensive, time consuming data recovery for files you’ve lost? Save time and money with Nero BackItUp & Burn — the simple, cost effective way to get your files, folders, and drives up and running again. Sync files and always have the latest version on hand: – Need to do some work at home tonight or over the weekend? Now you can work on the same files at home and at work, and always have the latest version easily available. Simply sync your files and even entire folders between your PC and laptop, to a USB flash drive, and to all types of popular storage media. With Nero BackItUp & Burn your content is always at hand without the hassle of e-mailing files.
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شرکت سازنده:
نرو / Nero
نام انگلیسی:
Nero BackItUp 2020
شماره نسخه:
v2020 v23.0.1.19
نام فارسی:
نرو بک ایت آپ 2020
حجم فایل:
162 مگابایت
تاریخ انتشار:
10:05 – 1399/9/16 | 2020.12.06
منبع: پی سی دانلود / www.p30download.ir
امتیاز: 2.5/5
سیستم مورد نیاز
– Windows 10 (32/64-Bit), Windows 8.1 (32/64 bit), Windows 8 (32/64 bit), Windows 7 SP1 Home Premium, Professional or Ultimate (32/64 bit),- 2 GHz AMD or Intel processor- 1 GB RAM- 1 GB hard drive space for a typical installation of all components CD, DVD, or Blu-ray Disc recordable or rewritable drive for burning- Third party components such as Microsoft .NET® 4.5.2, or Microsoft® DirectX® are shipped with the product or downloaded if not included in the package- Internet Explorer 11 and higher
1- Nero را بروی سیستم تان نصب نموده و کرک کردید، بطور کامل (بهمراه کلیدهای رجیستری) آن را حذف نموده و یکبار سیستم را ریستارت کنید.2- اتصال سیستم از اینترنت را قطع کنید.3- فایل BLOCKHosts.bat را بصورت Run as Adminstrator اجرا کنید.4- با اجرای فایل Setup.exe بصورت Run as Adminstrator، نرم افزار را نصب کنید (مسیر پیش فرض نصب نرم افزار را تغییر ندهید). در انتهای نصب گزینه مربوط به آپدیت خودکار نرم افزار را غیرفعال کنید.5- فایل Patch.exe را به صورت Run as Adminstrator اجرا کنید و فرایند فعالسازی را تا انتها ادامه دهید.6- دسترسی نرم افزار به اینترنت را از طریق فایروال مسدود کنید. (لینک آموزش طریقه جلوگیری از اتصال یک نرم افزار به اینترنت) 6-1- دسترسی فایل BackItUp.exe در مسیر C:Program Files (x86)NeroNero 2021Nero BackItUp به اینترنت را از طریق فایروال مسدود کنید.
منبع : پی سی دانلود
رمز فایل : www.p30download.com
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